Is GST Registration Mandatory for Trading Goods with 0% GST?

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I trade only in goods with 0% GST. Is GST registration mandatory for me?

No, GST registration is not mandatory if your entire turnover consists of goods that are exempt or attract 0% GST.

Do I need a new GST registration if I’m starting a branch office in another state?

Yes, a fresh GST registration is required for each state where you operate a branch office, as GST is state-specific.

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I am a freelancer providing interstate services, and my turnover is below ₹20 lakhs. Do I need to register for GST?

Yes, even if your turnover is below ₹20 lakhs, you must register for GST if you are providing interstate services. Interstate service providers are required to obtain GST registration irrespective of turnover.

My business deals exclusively in exempt goods like grains and pulses, and my turnover exceeds ₹20 lakhs. Do I still need to register for GST?

No, if your business deals exclusively in exempt goods, you are not required to register for GST, regardless of your turnover.

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I recently transitioned my business from a proprietorship to a partnership. How should I handle the GST registration?

You must apply for a new GST registration under the partnership’s PAN. The previous registration under the proprietorship will no longer be valid.

Is it necessary to have separate GST registrations for multiple business verticals within the same state?

No, a single GST registration is sufficient for all business activities within a state. However, you can opt for separate registrations for different business verticals if desired.

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I operate a business from Tamil Nadu and receive services from an unregistered dealer in Andhra Pradesh. Do I need to register in Andhra Pradesh?

No, you do not need to register in Andhra Pradesh. You only need to register in Tamil Nadu where your business is based. However, if you make any taxable supplies, you must pay the GST under reverse charge and can claim input tax credit (ITC).

I have migrated to GST but now wish to register as an Input Service Distributor (ISD). Can I do so?

Yes, you can apply for a new and separate GST registration as an ISD, even after migrating to GST.

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I have two Special Economic Zone (SEZ) units within the same state. Do I need two separate GST registrations?

No, a single GST registration is sufficient for SEZs under the same PAN within a state.

How long do I have to register for GST after becoming liable?

You have 30 days from the date of becoming liable to obtain GST registration.

I am organizing a one-time event in another state. Do I need to register for GST in that state?

You only need to register in the state where you are supplying goods or services. If all activities are conducted from your home state, IGST can be paid, and additional registration is not required.

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Is there any GST exemption based on geographical location or area?

No, GST does not provide area-based exemptions. All businesses must register and comply with GST requirements irrespective of their location.

If my turnover is less than ₹20 lakhs but I voluntarily register for GST, do I need to pay GST from the first supply?

Yes, once registered voluntarily, you are considered a normal taxable person and must pay GST on all taxable supplies from the date of registration.

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I want to convert my GST registration from my individual name to my proprietorship firm’s name. How can I do this?

You can make this change by filling out FORM REG-26 while converting your provisional ID to final registration.

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