The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case on a complaint from Punjab National Bank against a Delhi based private company (Borrower company) and others including its Directors; Guarantors and other unknown persons & unknown bank officials for causing an alleged loss of Rs.787.25 crore (approx.) to Punjab National Bank and another consortium of banks.
It was alleged that the said accused had cheated the Punjab National Bank-led consortium comprising PNB (lead bank), SBI, Exim Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Central Bank of India, Union Bank of India, and Bank of Baroda to the tune of Rs.787.25 crore(approx) by way of diversion of bank funds, sham transactions and inflated security deposits, etc.
Searches have been conducted today at 7 locations in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad & Annupur (Madhya Pradesh) at the premises of the accused including Directors and the private company which led to the recovery of several incriminating documents and digital evidence.