The Gujarat High Court issued the notice to GST Authorities for allegedly coercing, pressurising the writ applicant to transfer an amount of Rs.9 Crore to the department’s account.
The writ applicant, M/s Bharat Acids and Chemical contended that the mode and manner in which the respondent’s authorities has alleged to have coerced and pressurized the writ applicant to transfer an amount of almost Rs.9 Crore to the account of the department is shocking.
The writ applicant was summoned and under the guise of interrogation was kept under detention for almost a period of 33 hours.
“No wonder, the State of Gujarat has topped the list of states with the highest collection of tax under the GST Act in the country for the year 2020-21,” the division bench of Justices J.B. Pardiwala and Ilesh J. Vora said.
The court said that let Notice is issued to the respondents, returnable on 16th February 2021. The respondents shall be served directly through email. By the next date of hearing, the respondents are directed to file their respective replies so that this Court is able to proceed further with the matter expeditiously.
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