ICAI Invites Suggestions in respect of CA Examinations

CA Exams May 2020 - CA Students - CA Examinations - Taxscan

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has constituted a High-Level Independent Committee on 26th September 2019 to look into the Examination processes and the CA Regulations relating to CA Examinations including Regulation 39(4) of The Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 and suggest changes wherever required.

The Committee constituted in terms of the above reference has decided to call for views and suggestions on these issues from students and all other stakeholders.

Accordingly, students and all other stakeholders are requested to send their suggestions/views on the issues relating to examination process and CA Regulations 1988 including Regulation 39(4) of The Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, with name, address and contact details (Mobile No. & E-mail ID) of the person forwarding, so that the Committee can communicate with the person, if need be, for further information or clarification. In order to facilitate collation of all the suggestions/views received, it is desired that the suggestions be forwarded issue-wise under the following heads:

CA Exams Reforms - TaxscanThe suggestions, be brief and in any case not exceed 150 words. It is not necessary to give suggestions on each of the issues stated above. The suggestions can be posted on the link given below:
The last date for submission of suggestions is 10th November 2019.