A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court has held that the internal auditors cannot claim parity of pay scale as that of the Head Clerk in the Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB).
The recruitment and conditions of service governing the Head Clerks was introduced on 11.09.1985 which is called the Punjab State Electricity Board Ministerial Services Class–III Regulations, 1985 providing for educational qualifications and minimum experience required for Head Clerks. Initially, the pay scale of Head Clerks was Rs.150-300 and the pay scale of Internal Auditors was Rs.130-240. The pay scale of Internal Auditors was revised to Rs.150-300 w.e.f. 01.08.1963. Head Clerks and Internal Auditors were getting same pay scale of Rs.225-500 from 01.06.1967 and Rs.620-1200 from 01.01.1978. From 21.03.1989, revised scale of pay of regular employees was issued by the PSEB, and w.e.f. 01.01.1986, the scale of pay of the Head Clerks and the Internal Auditors was revised to Rs.1640-2925.
On the basis of the report of Pay Anomaly Committee formed by the Board, the pay scale of both the categories – Internal Auditors and Head Clerks have been improved vide office order No.223/Fin./PRC-1988 dated 03.10.1990. The Internal Auditors have been allowed the revised scale of Rs.1800-3200 w.e.f. 01.01.1986 considering that the posts of Internal Auditors are filled by 55% from direct recruitment and 45% by promotion. The Head Clerks have been allowed the pay scale of Rs.2000-3500 with effect from 01.01.1986 and thus linked the scale of Head Clerk with Superintendent Grade-II under State Government.
Against the order, the respondent approached the High Court contending that the Internal Auditors, Head Clerks as well as Sub Fire Officers belong to same group viz. Group XII and that Internal Auditors were always on par with the Head Clerks being the promotional post from the post of Circle Assistants/ARAs Group XII.
The two-judge bench comprising Justice R Banumathi and Justice Indira banerjee observed that merely because various different posts have been categorized under Group XII, they cannot claim parity of pay scale as that of the Head Clerk.
“All the more so, when the Internal Auditors are appointed 55% by direct recruitment and 45% by promotion from Circle Assistant/Assistant Revenue Accountant. The High Court did not keep in view that the duties, nature of work and promotion channel of Head Clerks and Internal Auditors are entirely different and that option to seek promotion apparently as Internal Auditors was the “conscious exercise of option”, the impugned judgment cannot be sustained and is liable to be set aside.”
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